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LGBTQ Friendly Establishments

One of the most challenging things for the LGBTQ community is finding establishments that are safe and welcoming for us. My goal is to have a list of specific establishments (and events) for each community around the country so that when we travel we can turn to the list for guidance on where to go.

So come on, help our sisters out with some contributions. Here's a few key pieces of information I need to create the list but don't be afraid to write a little blurb describing the place or event and your experience with it.

Please provide the following information in the comments section (or send me an email).

  1. City

  2. Name of establishment or event

  3. Date of event if applicable

  4. Type of establishment (bar, restaurant, night club, etc.)

  5. State whether the establishment is a) LGBTQ , b) Non LGBTQ but welcoming

  6. Comment on your experience and recommendation

Thank you!

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